Backnine Bookie Software
Support |
Problems and Solutions
Backnine Bookie
general, a software problem on a later version would also be present on an
earlier version.
Vista, Windows 7, 8, and 10 users!
There are a few of Backnine Bookie features that do not operate
properly with the Vista and Windows 7/8 operating systems that we know of --
and possibly more with your particular system setup.
The Help documentation does
not automatically work unless you download the patch from Microsoft.
You can go to and search for "WinHlp32.exe" to get the
Instead of loading the Help patch, you can click
here to download the full Help documentation that
comes with the product. The download is in Adobe Acrobat format and
approximately 770 KB.
If you find you are having any other problems, please try the
- right-click Start
- click Explore
- find your C: drive and click
- find Program Files and click
- find Backnine Bookie and click
- find BacknineBookie2003 (.exe) and right-click
- choose Properties
- click the Compatibility tab
- check the "Run in Compatibility Mode for" and choose Windows XP
Service Pack 2
- in the Privilege Level section, check the "Run this program as an
administrator" box
- click OK
This should set the security on your computer such that the automated
Backnine Bookie functions will work properly.
Also, some people have reported problems with printing (black boxes in some
areas, for example, or no print at all). Try the above bulleted steps
to see if that helps. If not, then print will need to done to a file
(either HTML, comma-delimited for import into a spreadsheet, or text file)
and then printed separately.
2003.1.16 (the current version) - No known problems except for Help
documentation for the Vista, Windows 7/8 operating system (see above) and
potential issues with print outs. Must set compatibility (see above).
2003.1.15 - List bets window sorting is unpredictable. Later
version sorts by ticket number, round/flight, and then the sequence of the bets
within the system.
2003.1.14 - Team names are truncated when printing Bet Sheet to 20
characters. Newer version allows up to 100 characters in the printed team
2003.1.13 - If you leave the betting window by clicking on another
window (such as the odds window), when you return to the betting window, it
indicates that results for all races have been entered and will not let you
continue in the betting window.
2003.1.12 - The "holdback amount", which applies only to Win bets, is
not subtracted from the pot before computing payouts. Amounts entered in
the Golf Card over 1000 may not be saved properly. The option to print to
a comma-delimited file option cuts off text based on the size of the column
instead of printing the entire text.
2003.1.11 - All bettors not always listed on the list bettors window.
If file is set up to only take bets on the tourney winner and no round winners,
error #381 can occur when printing reports.
2003.1.10 - The 7th through 12th picks on an
exotic bet are not printed on the printed bet sheet. An error can occur on
the Betting Window if editting a bet sheet and bettor is chosen that does not
have any bets or if running the cash/collect function and there are no bet
sheets to cash or collect.
2003.1.9 - The setting selected for printer orientation is not always
used for the actual printed report.
2003.1.8 - The golfers print out of order
within the round/flight combination. In some instances, adding or editing
golfers does not work properly and the changes made will not be reflected in the
When displaying results in the Enter Results window, if results have
not been entered for the race, then everyone shows as "even par", instead of
blank. (This can be fixed by upgrading or simply clicking the "Delete all
scores" button.)
2003.1.5 and Version 2003.1.6
Error message #62 can occur while
opening a file. This error means that the file was saved incorrectly and
upgrading to the latest version will not correct the problem for the file,
although it will prevent the problem on future files.
You can
contact us for information and assistance in fixing your file.
Or, if you wish, you can correct the
file yourself by doing the following:
- Make a backup copy of your .bnb file
- Open the program NotePad (found in the Accessories folder)
- Open your .bnb file within NotePad
- Search for the first occurrence of "`Payout%"
- Delete the "`Payout%" word and everything that comes after it.
- Save your file
When you open the fixed file in
Backnine Bookie, it should load up fine.
- Error message #9 (Subscript out of bounds) can occur while
printing the current odds for tournaments with more than one flight.
- Entering an invalid minimum payout or quick bet amount displays an
error message that cannot be corrected without canceling out of the program.
- Manual entry of bet sheet numbers does not function properly.
- If 3rd place results are not entered, all remaining players are listed as
third place finishers on windows and reports.
2003.1.2 - Printing sometimes can cause a problem with the setting of
the "orientation", depending on your system.
2003.1.1 - Manual entry of bet sheet numbers does not function.
2003.1.0 - Only one exotic bet displays on the "Display Payouts"
window and on reports.
to fix software problems
If you have a problem that is not listed above,
contact us, describing the problem, and we'll get back to
you as soon as possible.
To fix known problems, follow the instructions
below to re-download the correct version of the software, depending on the
version of the software that you own, and then reinstalling the software.
Any golf card files which you created earlier
will continue to work with either version of the software, although it is
possible to lose some data from one file to the next if you go "backwards" in
Step 1,
make sure you have your registration ID. (You may not need to re-enter the registration ID, but it is
safest to have it before you de-install, just in case.)
If you have the software loaded and have
previously entered your registration ID, you can go to the Help / About window
to find your registration ID and the software version. If you cannot find
it this way, please
contact us and include information on your purchase to help us find your order, such as
your name, address, approximate date of purchase, and/or e-mail address.
Step 2,
de-install your current version of Backnine Bookie.
- Click "Start" , then "Settings"
(for some Windows operating systems), then "Control Panel",
then "Add/Remove Programs"
- Select "Backnine Bookie", and
click Add/Remove button
Step 3,
download the latest version of the Backnine Bookie software that you have
Version 2003:
Click Here (approx. 3.1 meg) |
Download File:
If you are having trouble downloading
this size file,
please click here for an alternative
download method |
Step 4, install the new
Backnine Bookie program:
- At the WINDOWS desktop, click START
on the taskbar.
- Click the RUN entry within
the pop-up window.
- Click the BROWSE button to locate
the BacknineBookieZip2003.exe or the BacknineBookieZip.exe file that
you downloaded in step 3.
- Click the OK button.
- The WinZip Self-Extractor dialog box will
appear. Click the SETUP button.
- The Backnine Bookie setup screen will appear. Click the
OK button.
- Select a target installation
directory. The default target installation directory is "C:\Program
Files\Backnine Bookie\" for version 2001 and "C:\Program Files\Backnine
Bookie 2003\" for version 2003. The BROWSE button gives you the option to select a different
installation directory.
- After the desired installation directory is
selected, Click the INSTALLATION icon and the installation will begin. (The icon is located in the upper
left-hand corner.)
- Click the OK button.
Congratulations! You have
successfully completed the installation.
If you are having trouble with your installation, please
contact us.
Forgot your registration id?
If you have the software loaded and have
previously entered your registration ID, you can go to the Help / About window
to find your registration ID. If you are having trouble finding your ID
this way, please click here
to go to our registration lookup page.